12:00 PM12:00

Better Block- Southeast San Diego

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Cities around the U.S. are looking for tools to help redevelop communities that enable multi-modal transportation while increasing economic development, and reducing carbon emissions. The “Better Block” project is a demonstration tool that acts as a living charrette so that communities can actively engage in the buildout process and provide feedback in real time. 

Better Block is about turning spaces into places.

San Diego will launch its first ever Better Block on the corner of Euclid Street and Imperial Avenue in South East San Diego. This area is currently dangerous for people on bikes and foot due to lack of good infrastructure, has empty storefronts, and lacks a sense of place. The Placemaking Collective is teaming up with the Urban Collaborative and community members to reclaim this space and turn it into a vibrant community space. The goal of this project is to allow for both community members and local politicians envision what this space can become and to start a dialogue on the types of improvements that need to be made. 

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10:00 AM10:00

National Day of Civic Hacking- Bike App

Come and join us in building the ultimate app for people on bikes in San Diego. No coding experience needed, just your creative ideas.

Register today at www.openforgood.cc/OpenSanDiego/

On June 6, 2015, thousands of people from across the United States will come together for National Day of Civic Hacking. The goal of National Day of Civic Hacking is for residents, community groups, and government to collaborate to make their communities stronger.

Here in San Diego, people will come together to create the ultimate app for people on bikes. This app will be designed by community members so that it best meets their needs. This app can help people get around the City of San Diego on bikes, help identify streets that need improving, map your route, connect with other people on bikes, and whatever else you can imagine!

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